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Panther's Gallery


Regular price $145.00 USD
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Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a beautiful princess named Rapunzel. She had a long golden hair and a magical bracelet that her parents had made for her when she was born. The bracelet was crafted by a skilled artist named Panther, who had bestowed upon it a green irradiated crystal and moonstone.

The green crystal was known to bring good luck and calmness to the wearer, while the moonstone was believed to inspire creativity, intuition, and good fortune. They were both birthstones for the month of June and were associated with the zodiac sign of Cancer.

Rapunzel treasured her bracelet and wore it every day. It reminded her of her parents' love, and it gave her strength and courage whenever she faced difficult situations. The magical properties of the crystal and the moonstone helped her to overcome any obstacle that came her way.

Rapunzel's bracelet is a symbol of strength and resilience, if you choose this piece wear it with pride and honor.

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