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Panther's Gallery

Gaia's Bangle

Regular price $350.00 USD
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The goddess Gaia is known as the personification of the earth and is often associated with nature, fertility, and motherhood. The artist was inspired by Gaia's connection to the earth and used this as the inspiration for the bangle. The stones used in the bangle, crystal labradorite, and southwest turquoise both have unique properties that make them special.

Labradorite is a stone that is known for its ability to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness. It is also said to help protect the aura from negative energies and to promote self-discovery. The stone is associated with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and is a birthstone for those born in February.

Turquoise is a stone that is believed to have a strong connection to the earth. It is said to promote emotional balance, aid in communication, and provide protection. The stone is associated with the zodiac sign of Aquarius and is a birthstone for those born in December.

The combination of these two stones in the bangle creates a powerful talisman that is both beautiful and meaningful. The hypoallergenic silver used in the bangle ensures that it can be worn by anyone without the risk of irritation or allergy. The design of the bangle is simple yet elegant, making it a perfect accessory for any occasion.

In summary, the Gaia-inspired stone bangle is not only a beautiful piece of jewelry but also a powerful talisman that connects the wearer to the earth and promotes spiritual awareness. The combination of crystal labradorite and southwest turquoise creates a unique and meaningful piece that is perfect for anyone who wants to feel connected to nature and the goddess Gaia.

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